Voir Dire (Speak the Truth)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


That is the answer I would give to those asking, where have you been? Well, that is what I have been doing at least part of the time! The other reason I have not blogged if I was honest, is simply the busyness of life. However, one of the things I enjoy most is listening, I am sure growing up my parents would have begged to differ!!! But now as an adult I am enjoying learning from and at the feet of brilliant minds. God has truly gifted the reformed evangelical community with men who humbly expound on the word of God and apply it to the world in which we live.

The conversations that are taking place are both enlightening and encouraging and therefore I often get caught up and forget I too have something to add. Well, enough with the excuses, the fact is there is a lot to listen to, so I encourage you to be a fly on the wall. I hope to assist you in the process by providing links to the discussions.

be encouraged!


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